Asparagus stalks should be tender and firm, tips should be close and compact. Choose stalks with very little white.
Bananas skin should be free of bruises and brown/black spots. Purchase slightly green and allow to ripen for best flavor.
Beans choose those with small beans in their pods. Avoid dry-looking pods.
Berries select plump, solid berries with good color. Avoid containers that are wet or stained, as berries on the bottom may be smashed and leaking juices.
Broccoli flower clusters should be tight and close together.
Brussels Sprouts should be firm and compact. Avoid those with smudges or dirty spots.
Cabbage heads should be heavy for their size. Avoid buying if there are worm holes.
Cantaloupes look for thick, close netting on the rind and yellow to yellow-green coloring underneath. The stem scar should be smooth.
Cauliflower flower clusters should be tight and close together.
Cucumbers choose long, slender cucumbers for best quality and avoid those turning yellow.
Grapefruit choose fruit that are heavy for their size. Avoid those that appear withered and sunken or those with soft spots.
Honeydew look for rinds that are that is a creamy, yellowish color and velvety texture.
Lemons choose fruit that are heavy for their size. Light-colored or greenish-colored skins are more tart in flavor than brighter and darker yellow skins.
Lettuce heads should feel heavy for their size. Avoid buying if there are discoloration or rotten spots.
Lima Beans select pods that are full but not bulging. Avoid pods that are drying out, spotted, yellow or limp.
Mushrooms caps should be closed tightly around the stems. Avoid black and brown colored gills.
Oranges choose fruit that are heavy for their size. Smoother, thinner skins usually mean juicier fruit
Peas select pods that are full but not bulging. Avoid pods that are drying out, spotted, yellow or limp.
Watermelon look for melons that are yellow on one side, that means they are ripe. Avoid melons with white or pale green on one side, they are not ripe.
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